With only time to tell, we spent the morning shooting photo and video of the machine with the case on it. Wearing bright blue work helmet, milling about this tremendous factory brought on a sensation of authority and intention to my job. I was the lego man I used to play with many years ago. There was something very satisfying about working within a factory as if I had this added boost of confidence.
As we watched them do their tests it felt like almost nothing was happening at all. It was silent and the technicians were just looking at computer screens to read data as it came through. We were lucky the tests went in favor of releasing the coil of its casing. The casing was lifted by a crane and placed to the side of the coil. The inside of the coil was revealed: messy copper wiring, tin foil, black tape and some shiny metal that was quite as shiny as I would have liked it to be. The factory space was incredible for flying my drone. This was by far the biggest indoor space I have flown in allowing for interesting angles. However, the metals and materials within the space created difficulty with a remote connection to the drone itself limiting distance and speed I could go. Enjoy the end product.